Advertising Techniques Study Guide #2 Study Guide


1) Loaded Words: Words with strong assoication such as "home," "family," "dishonest," and "wasteful."

2) Transference: Attempts to make the audience assoicate positive words, images, and ideas with a product and its users.

3) Name Calling: Comparing one product to another and saying it is weaker or inferior in quality or taste.

4) Glittering Generality: Using words that are positive and appealing, but too vague to have any real meaning, like "pure and natural."

5) Testimonial: A product is endorsed by a celebrity or by an expert.

6) Bandwagon: The advertiser tries to make you feel like everyone else has the product and if you don't have it too, you'll be left out.

7) Snob Appeal: The opposite of the bandwagon technique, snob appeal makes the case that using the product means the consumer is better/smarter/richer than everyone else.

8) Repetition: A product's name or catchphrase is repeated over and over, with the goal of having it stick in the viewer or listener's mind.

9) Flattery: The advertiser appeals to the audience's vanity by implying that smart/popular'rich people buy the product.

10) Plain Folks: The advertiser says or implies that people just like you use a product.

11) Emotional Appeals: The advertiser appeals to people's fears, joys, sense of nostalgia, etc.

12) Fact and Figures: Using statistics, research, or other data to make the product appear to be better than its competitors.

13) Special Offer: The advertiser offers a discount, coupon, free gift, or other enticement to get people to buy a product.

14) Urgency: The advertiser makes you feel like you need the product right away.