Propaganda REVIEW A

Directions: For each question, click the best answer choice. When you have filled in all of the answers, click the button at the bottom to print the quiz.


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1) An ad for piercing included a cartoon of a teenager with an exaggerated large, bulging lip.
        A)  Glittering Generalities
        B)  Bandwagon
        C)  Plain Folks
        D)  Caricature

2) My reading teacher said with tears in her eyes that we must buckle down this nine weeks or we will do poorly on FCAT Reading.
        A)  Testimonial
        B)  Glittering Generalities
        C)  Card Stacking
        D)  Emotional Appeal

3) A tattoo artist tells a teen only the positive things about having a tattoo.
        A)  Name Calling
        B)  Card Stacking
        C)  Testimonial
        D)  Bandwagon

4) Giving your teen this special drink will make them more alert in school.
        A)  Emotional Appeal
        B)  Glittering Generalities
        C)  False Cause and Effect
        D)  Caricature

5) Extreme Makeover have many volunteers for the house building in Brevard County.
        A)  Bandwagon
        B)  Name Calling
        C)  Emotional Appeal
        D)  Plain Folks

6) Don't be 'dumb', save the FUN for AFTER FCAT.
        A)  Glittering Generalities
        B)  Bandwagon
        C)  Name Calling
        D)  False Cause and Effect

7) Everyone should make the most of their education or better be strong enough to carry a file cabinet around with them.
        A)  Emotional Appeal
        B)  Testimonial
        C)  Bandwagon
        D)  Plain Folks

8) Martha Stewart tells how great a particular Wii game is.
        A)  Testimonial
        B)  Name Calling
        C)  Glittering Generalities
        D)  Caricature

9) My students are the greatest of all students in our school.
        A)  False Cause and Effect
        B)  Plain Folks
        C)  Glittering Generalities
        D)  Emotional Appeal